20201025于家伟、杨婷婷、何慧文、李苏萍[1]Rand D. Conger,,Katherine J. Conger & Monica J. Martin.(2010).Socioeconomic Status, Family Processes,and Individual Development. Journal of Marriage and Family(3),. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010.00725.x.
20201126于家伟、杨婷婷、何慧文、李苏萍[2]Antony S. R. Manstead.(2018).The psychology of social class: How socioeconomic status impacts thought, feelings, and behaviour. British Journal of Social Psychology(2),. doi:10.1111/bjso.12251.
20201220于家伟[3]范志宇 & 吴岩.(2020).亲子关系与农村留守儿童孤独感、抑郁:感恩的中介与调节作用. 心理发展与教育(06),734-742. doi:10.16187/j.cnki.issn1001-4918.2020.06.12.
20201210何慧文[4]张跃,郭永玉 & 丁毅.(2020).经济不平等对阶层流动感知的影响及其机制. 心理科学(05),1197-1203. doi:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20200524.
20201210李苏萍[5]赵鑫,王艺璇,马小凤,夏瑞雪,李世峰 & 周爱保.(2020).贫困对个体执行功能的影响. 心理科学(05),1183-1189. doi:10.16719/j.cnki.1671-6981.20200522.
20201210杨婷婷[6]邓子谦,陈晓晨 & 韦庆旺.(2020).从社会文化的视角看健康与教育的阶层差异. 心理科学进展(12),2125-2136. doi:.
20201210钟莹颖[7]Anna L. Boggiss,,Nathan S. Consedine,,Jennifer M. Brenton-Peters,... & Anna S. Serlachius.(2020).A systematic review of gratitude interventions: Effects on physical health and health behaviors. Journal of Psychosomatic Research(),. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychores.2020.110165.
20201210朱彩云[8]王天鸿,陈宇琦 & 陆静怡.(2020).差距知觉的泛化效应:我和你之间的差距有多大?. 心理学报(11),1327-1339. doi:.
20210319于家伟[9]Torben Schubert,,Philipp Süssenbach,,Sarina J. Schäfer & Frank Euteneuer.(2016).The effect of subjective social status on depressive thinking: An experimental examination. Psychiatry Research(),. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2016.04.081.
20210326李苏萍[10]Jeremy E. Uecker & Lindsay R. Wilkinson.(2020).College Selectivity, Subjective Social Status, and Mental Health in Young Adulthood. Society and Mental Health(3),. doi:10.1177/2156869319869401.
20210326何慧文[11]Bolló Henrietta,Háger Dzsenifer Roxána,Galvan Manuel & Orosz Gábor.(2020).The Role of Subjective and Objective Social Status in the Generation of Envy . Frontiers in Psychology(),. doi:10.3389/FPSYG.2020.513495.
20210402杨婷婷[12]Oh Ga-Eun (Grace).(2021).Social class, social self-esteem, and conspicuous consumption. Heliyon(2),. doi:10.1016/J.HELIYON.2021.E06318.
20210402朱彩云[13]乔亲才,张慧如 & 朱海东.(2019).大学新生主观社会地位、心理韧性与适应性的关系. 兵团教育学院学报(02),24-28. doi:CNKI:SUN:BTJX.0.2019-02-005.
20210423于家伟[14] Rivenbark, J. , Arseneault, L. , Caspi, A. , Danese, A. , Fisher, H. L. , & Moffitt, T. E. , et al. (2020). Adolescents' perceptions of family social status correlate with health and life chances: a twin difference longitudinal cohort study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(38), 201820845.
20210423李苏萍[15]Pernille Bach Steen,,Per Høgh Poulsen,,Johan Hviid Andersen & Karin Biering.(2020).Subjective social status is an important determinant of perceived stress among adolescents: a cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health(1),. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-08509-8.
20210430于家伟[16]Rahal Danny,,Huynh Virginia,,Cole Steve,... & Fuligni Andrew.(2020).Subjective social status and health during high school and young adulthood.. Developmental psychology(6),. doi:10.1037/dev0000919.
20210430钟莹颖[17]解晓娜 & 李小平.(2018).主观社会阶层对亲社会行为的影响. 心理与行为研究(04),563-569. doi:CNKI:SUN:CLXW.0.2018-04-019.
20210507何慧文[18]程刚 & 张大均.(2018).家庭社会经济地位对大学新生抑郁情绪的影响:有调节的中介模型. 心理与行为研究(02),247-252. doi:CNKI:SUN:CLXW.0.2018-02-015.
20210507杨婷婷[19] Y Lin, & Liu, Q. . (2020). Perceived subjective social status and smartphone addiction tendency among chinese adolescents: a sequential mediation model. Children and Youth Services Review, 116, 105222.
20210514李苏萍[20]Antunes Carla,Magalhães Eunice,Ferreira Célia,Cabral Joana & Jongenelen Inês.(2021).When Subjective Social Status Matters: Moderating Effects in the Association between Victimization and Mental Health. Victims & Offenders(2),. doi:10.1080/15564886.2020.1804029.
20210514于家伟[21].(2018).Science - Social Science; Investigators from Baylor University Report New Data on Social Science (An Odd Ladder to Climb: Socioeconomic Differences Across Levels of Subjective Social Status). Science Letter(),. doi:.
20210521何慧文[22] Zhang, F. , Jiang, Y. , Ming, H. , Yang, C. , & Huang, S. . (2020). Family socioeconomic status and adolescents' academic achievement: the moderating roles of subjective social mobility and attention. Journal of Youth and Adolescence(4).
20210521杨婷婷[23]周迎楠, 毕重增, 楚丙华, & 刘向萌. (2019). 青少年主观社会经济地位、社会适应与自信的关系. 社区心理学研究, 000(001), P.134-146.
20210528朱彩云[24]黄婷婷, 刘莉倩, 王大华, & 张文海. (2016). 经济地位和计量地位:社会地位比较对主观幸福感的影响及其年龄差异. 心理学报, 48(009), 1163-1174.
20210528于家伟[25] Hu, J. , Blue, P. R. , Yu, H. , Gong, X. , Xiang, Y. , & Jiang, C. , et al. (2016). Social status modulates the neural response to unfairness. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci(1), 1-10.
20210604杨婷婷[26]周长城 & 王妙.(2021).客观阶层地位与主观阶层认同:闲暇生活方式的中介效应考察. 社会科学研究(03),97-106. doi:CNKI:SUN:SHYJ.0.2021-03-011.
20210604李苏萍[27]Wang Quanquan & Liu Xia.(2020).Peer Victimization and Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Chinese Left-Behind Children: The Moderating Roles of Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Social Support.. Journal of interpersonal violence(),. doi:10.1177/0886260519897346.
20210611于家伟[28]Manstead, & Antony. (2020). Socioeconomic status and the structure of the self-concept. British Journal of Social Psychology, 59(1), 66-86.
20210618钟莹颖[29]程刚, & 张大均. (2018). 家庭社会经济地位对大学新生抑郁情绪的影响:有调节的中介模型. 心理与行为研究, 16(002), 247-252.
20210618何慧文[30]程刚, 张大均, 肖友琴, 关雨生, & 陈艳红. (2016). 大学新生主观社会地位与抑郁的变化轨迹:一项多元潜变量增长模型分析. 心理发展与教育(32), 753-760.